Strategic Initiatives

The Strategic Initiatives unit within Public Safety assists the department in researching and implementing new projects and programs, such as the SafeZone app and the Rowdy Watch Student Patrol program. Within Strategic Initiatives is the Public Safety Business Service Center, Police Records, Accreditation and the Quartermaster. These teams work collaboratively to support the department through the implementation of policies, procedures, reporting requirements, purchases, uniforms and equipment.
Annette Parker
Senior Executive Director
Strategic Initiatives Team
Annette Parker
Senior Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives
Contact via Teams
Email: annette.parker@shandongzhongyu.com
Erica Fuentez
Police Records Manager
Contact via Teams
Email: erica.fuentez@shandongzhongyu.com
Robin Sanders
Business Service Center Manager
Phone: Contact via Teams
Email: robin.sanders@shandongzhongyu.com
Gene Garcia
Accreditation Manager
Contact via Teams
Email: gene.garcia@shandongzhongyu.com
Monica Perez
Business Service Center Specialist III
Contact via Teams
Email: monica.perez2@shandongzhongyu.com
Sandra Herrera
Contact via Teams
Email: sandra.herrera@shandongzhongyu.com
Business Service Center
The Business Service Center (BSC) is led by our BSC manager. The team is responsible for business-related functions within Public Safety, including payroll, purchasing, budgeting, reconciliation, special event posting and billing, human resources, and other day-to-day business operations.
Ensuring Accurate Reporting and Compliance:
The Records team plays a vital role in the Department of Public Safety as they work with police officers and public safety officers on reporting requirements. We review reports and enter citation information into our records management system. We submit monthly reports to the Texas Department of Public Safety to ensure the 世界杯官方app Police Department is compliant with the FBI National Incident Based Reporting System. We also work closely with the 世界杯官方app Clery Compliance coordinator to ensure crimes that are reportable under the Clery Act are accurately reported.
Daily Crime Log
Each business day, the records team posts a Daily Crime Log that shows all crimes occurring within the 世界杯官方app patrol jurisdiction and the 世界杯官方app Clery Geography for the past 60 days.
Annual Security Report Available Online
In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act, the 世界杯官方app Clery Compliance coordinator prepares the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, which is available for download to the public.
Open Records Requests
世界杯官方appPD provides access to police reports through requests made online. It is our goal to create a good rapport between law enforcement professionals and those persons within our society who have been directly affected by crime. We are also committed to the development, implementation and continuation of appropriate victim/witness services.
For copies of police reports, visit the 世界杯官方app Open Records website. For questions concerning police records, contact the Records section at 210-458-4417 during normal business hours. 世界杯官方app is committed to providing access to information on a timely basis.
世界杯官方app Public Safety provides fingerprint services to current students, faculty and staff in need of ink submission fingerprints. Fingerprint services are by appointment only. Call 210-458-4417 to schedule an appointment.
世界杯官方app Is Dual-Accredited
The Accreditation team is responsible for managing the department’s dual accredited status with the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) and the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA). We draft policies and procedures that are in line with the more than 700 accreditation standards, which are subject to change annually. The team ensures Public Safety policies and procedures remain in compliance through the collection of proof documents, annual statistical data and periodic virtual and on-site assessments. Through our efforts, we strive to ensure Public Safety is operating with the industry’s best practices.
Code of Conduct
The University of Texas System Police and the public expect all department personnel to maintain high standards of appearance and conduct. The mission of this department is to work with all members of the community to preserve life, maintain human rights, protect property, and promote individual responsibility and community commitment. Download a copy of the Code of Conduct Policy.
Annual Complaint Summary
Below is a summary of complaints, including any anonymous complaints, against Public Safety employees in 2023. Following an internal investigation for each complaint received in 2023, employment of two employees was terminated; one employee was demoted; one employee received a five-day suspension; and two employees received Letters of Reprimand.
Case Number | Nature of Complaint | Source/Target | Total Charges | Sustained | Not Sustained | Exonerated Unfounded | Discipline | Case Status |
2023-01IA | Respect for Fellow Employees, Supervisory Guidelines | Internal-PSO | 1 | 1 | Letter of reprimand issued | Closed | ||
2023-02IA | Judgement, Respect for Fellow Employees, Disparaging Speech, Sexual Harassment | Internal - Officer | 4 | 4 | Employee terminated (same respondent as 2023-03IA) | Closed | ||
2023-03IA | Judgment, Respect for Fellow Employees, Disparaging Speech, Sexual Harassment | Internal - Officer | 4 | 4 | Employee terminated (same respondent as 2023-02IA) | Closed | ||
2023-04IA | Insubordination, Subject to Duty, Truthfulness | Internal - Officer | 3 | 3 | Employee Terminated | Closed | ||
2023-05IA | Insubordination, Truthfulness, Duty to Report Incidents, Responsibility to know Laws, Use of Force reporting | Internal - Officer | 5 | 5 | Letter of Reprimand and remedial training | Closed | ||
2023-06IA | Obedience to laws, Issuance of lawful orders, Improper release of information | Internal - Officer | 5 | 3 | 1 | 1 | Five (5) day suspension | Closed |
2023-07IA | Insubordination, Truthfulness | Internal- PSO Supervisor | 3 | 3 | Employee Demoted | Closed |
Driver Training & Record Requests
Authorized Drivers for University Vehicles
The University Fleet manager maintains the list of current authorized drivers. An employee must be a current authorized driver prior to driving a vehicle owned or leased by 世界杯官方app. It is the responsibility of the individual driver and the department to verify that the employee is currently authorized to drive a state vehicle in accordance with UTS 157.
To request your record for driving a university vehicle, visit Driver Record Request to print the DR-1 form and complete only the “Information Requested On” and “Individual’s Written Consent” sections. Email us the form when completed.
Requests must be completed annually. To verify your status as an authorized driver, contact the University Fleet manager at 210-458-7681.
Employee Driver Training
The Defensive Driving Awareness course is an online training class that must be completed every three years. If you are seeking clearance as an authorized driver under HOP 5.18 Travel or Events that Involve Students and Other Non-Employee Participants (Student Travel Policy), you must complete the training once a year. Log in through MyTraining with your 世界杯官方app ID and network passphrase.
Drivers of 12-passenger vans must also pass an additional driver training course, which includes on-road training specific to the use of 12 passenger vans before the activity or event, and at least every three years for regular employee travel and yearly under the Student Travel Policy. Contact the University Fleet manager at (210) 458-7681 for more information about this course.
The Essential Role of a Quartermaster
The quartermaster is responsible for inventory control for the Department of Public Safety. This individual manages uniforms and equipment for police officers and public safety officers through in-stock items or collaborating with our Business Service Center (BSC) to keep our officers uniformed and equipped.
The quartermaster also manages the department’s fleet of vehicles by arranging preventative maintenance appointments, scheduling repairs and other maintenance needs. Additionally, the quartermaster conducts a cost analysis on existing vehicles to determine the cost effectiveness of replacing aging or faltering vehicles. If needed, they work with our BSC to research and purchase or lease a new vehicle.